There are many unknowns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are experiencing and increase in symptoms of anxiety or OCD you are not alone.

You may be experiencing a relapse of obsessive hand washing or constant worry about the health of family members. The understandable alarm we all feel about the virus can send people with an anxiety disorder into a intense downward spiral of fear.

Take these steps to manage COVID-19 focused anxiety:

  1. Identify and challenge catastrophic thoughts.

    Thought: "I visited the grocery store and was probably infected”

    Reframed thought: “I went on a quick trip to the grocery store, but I followed CDC recommendations to wash my hands for 20 seconds and I avoided touching my face”

    Thought: “I’m feeling a bit under the weather. I am probably experiencing the beginning stages of COVID-19”

    Reframed thought: “I know the symptoms include fever and shortness of breath, and I’m not experiencing either of those. I will re-check my symptoms at the end of the day and decide if I should call my doctor”

  2. Choose one reliable news source (like the Center for Disease Control).

    Do you find yourself getting stuck on reading countless news stories about the pandemic? Do you notice how anxiety increases when you get stuck in the google search rabbit hole? Try imagining a stop sign when you notice this happening. Them remind yourself that although being informed is important, consuming information from facebook for an hour may not be helpful. Try putting down your phone in another room and move on to doing something else.

  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Don’t slip back into unhealthy habits. In other words, avoid coping with alcohol, numbing out with TV, or eating sugars and fats. Social isolation can trigger low motivation and desire to numb difficult emotions. It’s best to rely on health coping strategies such as exercise and lots of sleep to maintain physical and mental wellness.

Jenna Ramirez